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Are You Ready? Building or Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan

Denver, CO

In the past year, the number of successful attempts to obtain sensitive and confidential information has increased. For instance, according to a leading study the average successful data breach yields more than 24,000 stolen records and costs on $3.6 million in various response costs. In this seminar, cybersecurity and risk management lawyers Rich Spilde and Craig Stewart will discuss these key aspects of the Data Lifecycle:

  • A Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan
  • Critical Steps for Managing and Communicating a Data Breach
  • Elements of an Effective Data Breach Response Toolkit
  • Cybersecurity Resources for Executives, In-house Counsel, and IT specialists

Agenda: TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2018 | 8:15-9:30 AM
8:15-8:30 AM: Registration/Breakfast
8:30-9:30 AM: Presentation

Rich Spilde
Craig Stewart

Holland & Hart LLP
555 17th St
Suite 3200
Denver, CO 80202

Questions? Please contact Jennifer Porter at


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