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Transmission Executive Forum and Summit 2007

Now in its ninth year, the annual Transmission Summit has established itself as the premier gathering for the transmission industry. Attendees gather to address the strategic, regulatory, investment, and technology issues facing the industry. This year's summit, themed "Beginning the Big Transmission Build Out", will explore the emerging new landscape for getting transmission projects sited and financed.

The Executive Forum on March 7 will address "Transmission Project Development in the Post-EPAct 2005 Era", featuring Holland & Hart attorneys James Tarpey and Mark Safty.

Panel Discussion:

New Investment Modes/Vehicles for Transmission
Moderator: James Tarpey, Of Counsel, Holland & Hart LLP
This panel will consider how the next generation of transmission assets might be financed, including the roles of state infrastructure authorities, equity investors, and other parties not traditionally central to financing transmission assets.

Panel Discussion:

Implications of RPS and Variable Power Sources on the Transmission System Build Out
Moderator: Mark Safty, Partner, Holland & Hart LLP
Historically, the model for how transmission is built and paid is based on siting thermal generation close to the load. The recent trend is the development of wind and other renewable power sources, which are generally located in remote areas far from major transmission lines. This panel will address the impact of this shift on transmission development and investment.

For more information on and to register for the Transmission Executive Forum and Summit 2007, visit:


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