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Strategies for Public Companies: Confronting Reports of Potential Illegal Conduct

Webinar Only

What happens when allegations of illegal conduct are raised internally at a public company? How should in-house counsel, other members of management, and the board of directors respond? What will your independent auditors and regulators expect?

The panel—comprised of a forensic accountant and in-house and external counsel, including counsel who previously worked in the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission—will walk through key issues that company management, directors, and in-house counsel may confront and provide their thoughts on best practices for responding in a manner that will put the company in the best position with its auditor and regulators.

Agenda: WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 2021
11:30 - 1:00 PM MDT

Gene Cahill, Partner, Grant Thornton LLP
Jim Fortosis, Associate General Counsel, Grant Thornton LLP
Brian Neil Hoffman, Partner, Holland & Hart LLP
Greg Goldberg, Partner, Holland & Hart LLP

Location: Webinar Only

  • This course was approved for 1.5 General Education CLE credits in the state of Illinois and 2 General Education CLE credits in the state of Colorado. 
  • CLE credit is available in California and New York via reciprocity with Colorado. We will provide the necessary documentation for attendees to claim their credits in CA and NY. 

Questions? Please contact Misti Varga.


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