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Renewable Energy in the Pacific Northwest

Thursday and Friday, August 5 and 6, 2010

Crowne Plaza Seattle Hotel
1113 6th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101

Law Seminars International's 6th Annual conference on renewable energy in the Pacific Northwest brings together leading federal and state policy makers, attorneys, developers, utility managers and financial players to address current issues facing the rapidly growing renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. The conference's high-level speakers will address the present status and prognosis for federal and state policies, the next wave of game-changing technology, and the necessary conditions for sustaining growth in this promising sector. Recognizing the genuine need to closely examine factors that distinguish hope from reality, the program co-chairs have endeavored to bring together speakers who are working at the cutting edge of renewable and energy efficiency. They have approached this conference as a unique opportunity to convene a sophisticated, focused faculty and experienced attendees to jointly consider the pertinent law, policy and economics, in order to stimulate new insights and meaningful initiatives.

Holland & Hart attorney Michael Brennan will be speaking on a panel entitled "New Environmental Challenges Facing Renewable Energy Development". He will present on the topic, "How wildlife protection is affecting renewable energy development across the West: The Sage Grouse Challenge."

What Attendees Will Learn:

  • How utilities plan to meet Renewable Portfolio Standards
  • New environmental challenges facing renewable energy development
  • Development activities for wind and geothermal activities
  • Siting processes in the Pacific Northwest states
  • Building a sustainable foundation for interregional cooperation
  • Maximizing the value of energy efficiency and distributed generation
  • Integrating variable energy resources: Matching policy with operational realities
  • Integrating renewables into the grid: Transmission Planning and financing
  • How entrepreneurs see opportunity in energy efficiency and the renewable industry

Who Should Attend: Attorneys, industry executives, governmental officials, and advocates involved with energy infrastructure investment, public policy and resource development

Click here to view a full agenda and details about the conference.

Click here to register today!


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