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Renewable Energy Brown Bag Seminar/Teleconference: 'Legal and Policy Issues Leading to the Commercialization of Hydrogen Technology'

Please join our panel of experts, representing a hydrogen technology developer, the federal and state organizations helping fund and develop hydrogen technology, and a policymaking perspective, for a lively discussion of hydrogen technology potential, opportunities and barriers.

These seminars provide an opportunity to network and discuss the subject matter with renewable energy lawyers, policy makers and business experts. You can also join from your own office; a teleconference number for you to call into will be provided.

 Robert S. Faron, Esq. - Project Performance Corporation, Energy Practice Leader (live in Washington, DC)

Peter Smith, President, New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA), (live from the Albany School of Law**)
 Charles Pratt, General Counsel, American Wind Power & Hydrogen LLC (live in NYC)
 John Herrick, Chief Counsel, Golden Colorado Field Office, U.S. Department of Energy (live in Denver or Washington, DC)
 Joseph Romm, Executive Director,Center for Energy and Climate Solutions (live in DC)

Learn About:
 Non-technical barriers to the introduction of hydrogen as a transportation fuel
 Trends in state programs and assistance in hydrogen technology implementation and links to transportation planning 
Development of projects in conjunction with Federal and states demonstration projects. 
Financing, leasing and other legal issues in near-term commercial opportunities using Hydrogen- Internal Combustion Vehicles
 Liability, permitting, zoning, building and fire codes and environmental concerns about hydrogen technology demonstration and commercialization
 Working with the federal government and its financial assistance regulations
 NY State initiatives for developing the Hydrogen highway 
The seven obstacles to creating a hydrogen economy

To register, visit the Renewable Energy Seminar & Teleconference website at


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