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6/7/2004 12:00:00 AM

Regional Air Litigation Targets Coal-Bed Methane, Oil and Gas, Coal, Power Plants, Trona, Cement Aggregates and Other Industries

Regional Air Litigation Targets Coal-Bed Methane, Oil and Gas, Coal, Power Plants, Trona, Cement Aggregates and Other Industries

Click map for a more detailed description of designated park and wilderness areas.

Environmental Defense et al. v. BLM et al. (D.Mont.)

Several environmental groups have filed a sweeping challenge to resource developments in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and northern Colorado. It contends (1) that health standards and standards for protection of national parks and wilderness areas are already being violated, (2) that sources within the target areas may contribute to these violations, and (3) that regional air studies and additional control measures are required before BLM may proceed with authorization of CBM and oil & gas activities. While CBM in Montana and Wyoming are the immediate targets, the violations and analysis specified would reach virtually every source of particulate matter, SO2, NOx and other pollutants in the targeted areas outlined.

Click to view a one-page summary of the Complaint, and the Complaint itself (see particularly pages 62-73 for a list of the sources named in these areas.)

Several Holland & Hart clients have expressed a willingness to support intervention in the case as part of a broad-based group. An informational meeting will be held in Holland & Hart's offices in Billings, Cheyenne, and Denver at 2:00 p.m. on June 14, 2004. You may attend by audio or videoconference. If you would like to attend or participate in the meeting, or if you have any questions on the case, please call Ed Harris, Steve Foster, Chuck Hansberry, Bob Connery or Jim Holtkamp.

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