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New Mexico Oil & Gas Association 81st Annual Meeting -- Emerging Issues in CO2 Sequestration

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Eldorado Hotel
309 W San Francisco St,
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 988-4455

Who should attend:  Energy and natural resources professionals interested in learning more about carbon capture and sequestration activities going on in the West.

Moderator: Dr. Abbas Ghassemi, Director, Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE), Las Cruces


CO2 Basics Bill Roby, OXY, USA, Houston
The DOE Southwest Partnership and Project: (Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico & Utah and portions of Arizona, Kansas, Texas & Wyoming) Dr. Robert Lee, SWP; Dr. Brian McPherson, SWP; Dr. Reid Grigg, SWP; and Dr. Rajesh Pawar, LANL
Wyoming CO2 Initiatives The Honorable Thomas E. Lubnau, II, Wyoming House of Representatives, Gillette
Overview of Legislative Initiatives Ocean Munds-Dry, Holland & Hart LLP, Santa Fe, NM
The Oil & Gas Business of CO2 Keith Tracy, Executive Director, Carbon Council of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City

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