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National Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Fall 2008 Conference

November 12 - 14, 2008
Hartford, Connecticut

Connecticut Convention Center
100 Columbus Boulevard
Hartford, CT

"The conference format employed by the CT SBIR office in their events has been highly effective. In the two years we have attended the SBIR Conference, we have been exposed to over 50 relevant technology providers. Many of these companies are now soliciting our help in responding to topics or have become suppliers& Hopefully, this will continue to increase our exposure to small businesses on the cutting edge of technologies applicable to our products and services."
- Sikorsky

All 11 Federal SBIR Agencies will attend and meet one-on-one with small high tech firms and manufacturers! (DoD, NIH, Energy, EPA, Transportation, Nasa, NSF, Education, Commerce, Agriculture, Homeland Security)

Demographics: Small, medium, and large high tech companies and innovative manufacturers, agencies, universities, and service providers

Who Should Attend: Newcomers to SBIR & experienced winners

Program: Presentations, "Speed Dating," Workshops, One-on-One Meetings with Agencies & Fortune 100s, Federal Labs, Poster Show . . .

For a detailed agenda, please click here.

To register for this event, please click here.


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