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How To Guard Your Practice from Medicare RAC Audits


Tuesday, June 23, 2009
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET

After Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) took back $1 billion - roughly $1,800 per claim determined to have an overpayment - from Medicare providers in just six states, CMS quickly decided to expand the RAC program nationwide. Every practice is now eligible for RAC audits and experts say these auditors will go after the easiest targets first.

Attorney Gregory Piche' and Joan Ditges, RN will take you inside the minds of the auditors to tell you what they'll look for in your practice. You can't afford to not be prepared when RAC demand letters arrive at your front door. If the RAC audit is successful against your practice, you'll pay thousands of dollars in repayments.

After this session, you'll be able to:

  • Defend your practice against government auditors with 12 best practices to follow.
  • Know the vital information on who will be auditing your practice's medical records and demand recoupment of overpayments.
  • Understand how RAC auditors use data to make you a target.
  • Implement specific programs in preparation for a RAC demand and records request letters.
  • Stop the recoupment process cold before they take one penny from you.
  • Get valuable insight on lessons learned from RAC demonstration projects that recouped millions from practices.

Presenters: Gregory Piche', & Joan Ditges


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