Holland & Hart is proud to announce that it has been named one of the 50 Best Law Firms for Women in 2016 by Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers for the sixth time. Winning Firms lead the industry in supporting flexible work arrangements and focusing on women’s business development and parity in compensation as well as increasing women’s representation among the equity partnership and leadership ranks.
Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers co-founded the Best Law Firms for Women initiative in 2007 to recognize firms that create and use best practices in retaining and promoting women lawyers. The Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers Best Law Firms for Women 2016 Executive Summary, including the list of winning firms, is posted here.
At the Best Law Firms, 20% of equity partners are women, compared with a national average of 18%, and women now represent 30% of nonequity partners, the highest percentage in the last decade. The number of firms reporting three or more women among the top ten rainmakers increased from 16% to 22% over the last year. And, for the first time, the proportion of female equity partner promotions is the same for firms with one-tiered tracks and two-tiered tracks, both at 34%.
Earlier this year, Holland & Hart achieved Gold Standard Certification from the Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF) for the sixth year in a row, one of only 31 firms in the country to achieve WILEF certification and one of only six firms to meet all six of the qualifying criteria.