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Holland & Hart Achieves Mansfield Rule 2.0 Certification and "Plus" Status

DENVER — Holland & Hart is proud to announce that for the second consecutive year it has achieved Mansfield Certification after completing the year-long Mansfield Rule Certification 2.0 program, an initiative of Diversity Lab. Only 64 trailblazing law firms achieved Mansfield Certification, which expanded the Mansfield Rule 1.0 program to also include consideration of LGBTQ+ lawyers, in addition to women and lawyers of color, and to track the consideration of diverse lawyers in formal pitch meetings.

Holland & Hart is also one of 51 participating law firms to achieve Mansfield Certification Plus status, which means that in addition to meeting or exceeding the pipeline consideration requirements for Certification, the firm successfully reached at least 30% diverse lawyer representation in a notable number of its current leadership roles and committees.

firm joins 98 other law firms that have signed on to participate in Mansfield Rule 3.0, that will include lawyers with disabilities as well as women, lawyers of color, and LGBTQ+ lawyers as part of the diverse candidate pool.

Holland & Hart is one of four firms that, in addition to the requirements of Mansfield Rule 3.0, volunteered to pilot a more intensive tracking process that measures the consideration of individual demographic groups for each category. More specific data will allow firms and Diversity Lab to continue innovating ways to achieve Mansfield Rule’s goal of diversifying law firm leadership as inclusively and impactfully as possible.

“Participating in the Mansfield Rule program for the last two years has enhanced the firm’s long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion in a variety of ways,” said Liz Sharrer, Holland & Hart firm chair. “We have focused more intentionally on our outreach to ensure diverse attorneys are considered for lateral positions, and we’ve gained insightful best practices through the knowledge-sharing calls,” added Sharrer. “The reward for Mansfield Rule ‘Plus’ status, the opportunity for our diverse new partners to not only attend the Client Forums and network, but pitch to clients who share our commitment to the business imperative of diversifying our client teams, is a valuable experience for those partners, and will help both the firm and the profession continue exploring ways to move the diversity needle.”

For more information about the Mansfield Rule 2.0 and 3.0 initiatives, see Diversity Lab’s press release.

About Holland & Hart

Founded in 1947, Holland & Hart is a full-service Am Law 200 firm with offices in eight states and in Washington, D.C. We deliver integrated legal solutions to regional, national, and international clients of all sizes in a diverse range of industries. For more information, visit or on Twitter: @HollandHart.


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