Please join us for this complimentary Bioentrepreneurs Club networking event and discussion with:
Gary S.Held, President of CTEK
Bio-entrepreneurs face a unique challenge in presenting the investment merits of their
company. Showing value creation, and thus investment return, for early-stage angel
investors is difficult, and almost ignored by most bio-entrepreneurs seeking funding.
The result is a painful, frustrating struggle.
Gary Held will describe how to “show them the money” in order to get some of
theirs for your business.
7:30–8:00 a.m. - Registration, Breakfast, and Networking
8:00–9:00 a.m. - Presentation by Gary S.Held, President of CTEK
Continental breakfast will be provided. There is no charge to attend.
Self-parking is available at the Hyatt Garage which is accessible on Glenarm between 17th & 18th.
Parking will not be validated.