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Exit Strategies for Government Contractors

Exit Strategies for Government Contractors is a 2-hour complimentary seminar focused toward executive and financial officers.

Holland & Hart attorney, Charles Lucy, will be one of four panelists at this year's seminar. Mr. Lucy has 20 years plus of diverse federal regulatory, business and litigation experience. His experience includes federal/state procurement and acquisition matters, bid protests ASBCA appeals, government contract audits and fiscal law issues, commercial space law, university/government technology transfer programs, and homeland defense. Prior to joining Holland & Hart,Charlie served as the General Counsel for the United States Air Force Academy, Air Force Space Command (20th Air Force), and the Field Operation Directorate of the Air Force Inspector General.

Other panelists include:

 Robert D. Kipps, Managing Director with KippsDeSanto & Co. in Washington DC.
 Karla E. Whittenburg, Principal in the audit service area of EKS&H
 Chad Braley, Director with Beason & Nalley

Seating is limited, so please RSVP by September 5th to Katie Hughes at or 303-796-4326.


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