Energy litigation attorney Chris Chrisman was quoted in three Law360 articles related to a recent Colorado gas royalty settlement of nearly $8 million by gas producer Terra Energy Partners LLC, in which he represents TEP.
“By clarifying deductions that were already part of the status quo, the parties are heading off future lawsuits,” TEP counsel Chris Chrisman of Holland & Hart LLP said at the hearing.
"We’re pleased that the settlement was upheld as reasonable, and allows all of the parties to move forward," Holland & Hart LLP partner Chris Chrisman, who represents TEP, told Law360.
"We certainly agree that it represents a fair and reasonable outcome for everyone," he said.
Click here to read the March 18, 2020 article “10th Circ. Backs $8M Settlement In Colo. Gas Royalty Fight” (subscription required).
Click here to read the March 18, 2019 article “Colo. Gas Royalty Dispute Ends With $8M Deal's Approval” (subscription required).
Click here to read the February 20, 2019 article “Colo. Gas Leaseholders Push For $8M Deal Despite Objectors” (subscription required).