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William Myers Quoted in Law360 on Fish and Wildlife Services' Proposal to Delist the Gray Wolf

William Myers III, an environmental partner based in the firm’s Boise office, was quoted in Law360’s March 15 article titled “FWS To Delist Gray Wolf, Yet Experts Don't Expect A Trend.” The article discusses the recent proposal by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to delist gray wolves from Endangered Species Act protection and the prospects for FWS delisting other species in the future.

"I think the biggest obstacle is the workload and the agency, Fish and Wildlife Service, having enough staff to review current listings and go through the scientific rigor required by the act to decide whether a species, be it plant or animal, should delisted." Myers said. "It's a lot of work to put out a delisting proposal."

Myers provides seasoned and effective representation to clients in energy, natural resources, and public land law. He draws from a depth of experience including his service as the Solicitor of the U.S. Department of the Interior. As Solicitor, Bill was the chief legal officer and third-ranking official in the Department.

To read the full article (subscription required), click here.


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