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Government Investigations and White Collar Defense

When a government investigation arises, experience and credibility are critical.

Understanding the nuances of federal and state government investigations is the key to achieving the optimal outcome. Our team of former federal and state prosecutors, SEC enforcement counsel, and regulatory lawyers from federal and state agencies brings clarity, critical insight, and essential skills to this challenging and complicated process. 

Holland & Hart discreetly advises client companies and individuals to help resolve civil and criminal allegations and government investigations. Our matters before the DOJ, SEC, PCAOB, FINRA, and state officials have included allegations of securities, wire, and mail fraud, violations of the federal False Claims Act (FCA) and state false claims laws, FCPA concerns, environmental violations, insider trading, accounting and auditing issues, Ponzi schemes, investment advisor concerns, misappropriation, and other alleged violations. We also conduct cost-effective and reliable internal investigations and defend whistleblower retaliation claims under the Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank acts.   

Applying decades of experience, we anticipate the government’s approach and craft proactive defense strategies designed to best position each client for a favorable resolution. With a command of the process, we advocate relentlessly for clients at all levels of government. Whether managing internal or government investigations, establishing compliance programs, or defending parallel civil and criminal proceedings, we work to help protect our clients’ reputations and rights, and to limit their risk. 


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